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Unlock Developer Edition Features

Enhance your SonarQube Community Edition experience

Your SonarQube Developer Edition trial includes all Community Edition features plus:

  • Support for C, C++, Obj-C, Swift, ABAP, T-SQL and PL/SQL (25+ total languages and frameworks)
  • Advanced bug detection
  • Deeper SAST engine for detecting hidden vulnerabilities that arise out interaction of user code with dependencies (libraries)
  • Detection of advanced vulnerabilities including Injection Flaws in Java, C#, PHP, Python, JavaScript, and TypeScript
  • Branch Analysis 
  • Pull / Merge Request analysis and decoration in the following DevOps platforms: GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, and GitLab
  • Applications support (aggregation of multiple projects)
  • Enhanced and Long Term Support (LTS)

frequently asked questions

Developer Edition, Enterprise Edition, and Data Center Edition are priced per instance per year and based on your lines of code (LOC). An instance is an installation of SonarQube. You pay per instance for a maximum number of LOC to be analyzed.

Developer Edition pricing starts at $160/yr for a maximum analysis of 100,000 LOC and can extend to $68,580/yr for a maximum analysis of 20M LOC.

Enterprise Edition pricing starts at $21,000/yr for a maximum analysis of 1M LOC and can extend to $252,000/yr for a  maximum analysis of 100M LOC.

Need to analyze more lines of code? Check out our Data Center Edition, and discover the horizontal scalability and high availability for global deployments! Get in touch with sales for detailed pricing.

Trusted and loved by 7 Million Developers & 400,000+ Organizations

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