
AI CodeFix Terms

Last Updated August 1, 2024

As part of our mission to provide world-class solutions that empower developers to write better code, SonarSource provides certain customers the ability to opt-in to receive AI CodeFix. “AI CodeFix” is an optional feature offered within the Products that provides suggested code edits generated from artificial intelligence, machine learning, or similar technologies (collectively, an “AI Engines”).


These AI CodeFix Terms (“Terms”) set out the terms for the use of AI CodeFix. These Terms apply on the earlier of (a) Customer’s acceptance of these Terms by (i) opting-in within the Products, or (ii) executing a SonarSource order form for AI CodeFix; or (b) Customer’s or its users’ use of AI CodeFix. Customer may opt out of using AI CodeFix at any time. These Terms are incorporated into and form part of the relevant SonarQube Terms and Conditions, SonarCloud Terms of Service, or other agreement between Customer and SonarSource covering Customer’s use of the Products (“Agreement”). Capitalized terms not defined in these Terms have the meanings set forth in the relevant Agreement.


AI CodeFix is developed by SonarSource with the assistance of AI Engines provided by third parties. Where possible, SonarSource will endeavor to extend to Customer the benefits of the services (including any warranties and indemnities) that are provided to SonarSource by third parties.


Scope of Use and Personal Data


To offer AI CodeFix and generate code-fix suggestions, SonarSource may supply AI Engines with information that may include snippets of Customer Data.  SonarSource may use snippets of Customer Data to improve AI CodeFix. Customer Data will not be used, however, to train or improve third-party AI Engines.


Personal Data is not needed to use AI CodeFix. If SonarSource inadvertently processes Personal Data in connection with AI CodeFix, it will do so in accordance with the SonarSource Privacy Policy and the SonarSource Data Processing Addendum.




Given the inherent characteristics of AI Engines and artificial intelligence generally, any code-fix suggestions generated may be the same, or similar to, code-fix suggestions generated for other SonarSource customers and users of Products. AI CodeFix may generate incorrect output. Customer’s rights and access to AI CodeFix is limited and may be terminated by SonarSource at any time for any reason or no reason.


AI CodeFix is not designed for or intended to be used for meeting Customer’s compliance with applicable laws or regulatory obligations. Customer acknowledges that it is not required to use, access, test, or evaluate AI CodeFix, and that it does so at its own discretion and risk. In particular, Customer agrees that Customer is responsible for (a) evaluating all output of AI CodeFix before relying on or otherwise using them; (b) ensuring that its use of any output from AI CodeFix does not infringe, violate, or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party; and (c) complying with all applicable laws and regulations, including those governing the use of generative artificial intelligence. Any issues or limitations concerning liability are subject to the limitations stipulated in the Agreement. SonarSource and its licensors exclusively own all right, title, and interest in and to AI CodeFix, including all associated intellectual property rights.

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