
UK Modern Slavery Act Statement

Last Updated August 5, 2024

This statement has been published in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). It sets out the steps taken by SonarSource SA, including all its affiliates and subsidiaries (“SonarSource”), to manage the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in its operations and supply chains during the financial year ending 31 December 2023.

SonarSource is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and has offices in the United States, France, Germany, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. SonarSource provides downloadable software and a software-as-a-service solution that helps software engineers develop clean code. As a provider of software for software developers, SonarSource uses little to no unskilled labor. We, therefore, believe that the risks of modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain are minimal. That said, SonarSource fully supports the aims of the Act and recognizes that slavery and human trafficking is a global issue that needs to be addressed by all companies within all industries. SonarSource is committed to conducting business in a lawful and responsible manner, including engaging with suppliers who uphold the same standards.

In compliance with the Act, we believe there is no modern slavery in our own organization or in our supply chain. SonarSource employees are required to comply with ethics and integrity policies made applicable to all employees, which are set forth in our employee code of conduct, which is designed to ensure employees support our values and abide by applicable laws and regulations. All employees are required to read, understand, and agree to our employee code of conduct as part of their employment obligations. SonarSource’s policies and procedures are routinely reviewed and updated to address applicable legislation in the countries where we do business. As with any company policy, disciplinary procedures are included and are aligned to discourage any violation of SonarSource’s policies and applicable laws. We abide by labor and employment laws in the jurisdictions where we employ people and operate a robust recruitment program including conducting eligibility to work checks for all employees.

SonarSource’s priority for the year ahead is to implement a revised employee code of conduct referencing the U.K. Modern Slavery Act of 2015.

This statement was approved by our Board of Directors and signed on its behalf by:

/s/ Tariq Shaukat

CEO, SonarSource SA

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