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Data Center Edition

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Data Center Edition

Designed for High Availability, Scalability, and Performance

  • 30+ languages, frameworks, and technologies
  • Branch Analysis
  • Pull Request decoration
  • Taint analysis
  • Detection of advanced bugs causing runtime errors and crashes
  • Project Transfer
  • Security Reports
  • Regulatory release reports
  • Portfolio Management & PDF Executive Reports
  • Parallel processing of analysis reports
  • Multiple DevOps platform instances
  • 3 additional test/stage licenses
  • Security Engine customization
  • Monorepo support for PR decoration
  • SonarLint IDE integration
  • Component redundancy
  • Data resiliency
  • Horizontal scaling
  • High performance under extreme load


  • Barclays
  • Airfrance
  • IBM
  • NASA
  • Microsoft
  • ebay